Thursday 2 June 2011

2nd June 2011 (2)

[22:12:44] Michael Stubbs: Almost back (just getting changed), but just wanted to say that one of my neighbours is playing "Hey Mickey" reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy loudly.
[22:12:52] Michael Stubbs: and I'm jigging along xD
[22:13:17] Michael Stubbs: haha you wish
[22:13:25] yazpanda: i doooo
[22:13:28] yazpanda: and lol maybe they can see you
[22:13:32] yazpanda: so thats why theyre playing it
[22:13:49] Michael Stubbs: well they might be able to if they have x-ray glasses or something xD
[22:13:59] yazpanda: hehe they might
[22:14:00] yazpanda: or mirror
[22:14:01] yazpanda: s
[22:14:27] Michael Stubbs: ...mirrors?
[22:14:37] yazpanda: mhmmm
[22:14:43] yazpanda: one placed at your window
[22:14:49] yazpanda: then others so they can see from where they are
[22:15:07] Michael Stubbs: haha hmm maybe *checks window*
[22:15:11] yazpanda: :P
[22:15:16] yazpanda: if you see someone waving back
[22:15:17] yazpanda: HIDE
[22:15:23] Michael Stubbs: haha xD
[22:15:26] yazpanda: :P
[22:15:33] Michael Stubbs: nope nothing there :O
[22:15:40] yazpanda: bwahahahahaha
[22:15:43] yazpanda: you'll never find my mirror ;)
[22:16:00] Michael Stubbs: :O hehehe
[22:16:11] Michael Stubbs: tbh even if i did i wouldn't care
[22:16:30] Michael Stubbs: i'd be more impressed that you have some sort of intricate mirror system leading from my house to yours xD
[22:16:36] Michael Stubbs:  /nerd
[22:16:43] yazpanda: hahahahaha
[22:16:48] yazpanda: tbf so would i!
[22:16:51] yazpanda: if it were the other way
[22:16:55] Michael Stubbs: haha xD
[22:17:03] yazpanda: or
[22:17:08] yazpanda: id be bloody impressed with myself
[22:17:21] Michael Stubbs: hahaha xD
[22:18:00] Michael Stubbs: brb concealing nakedness

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