Monday 27 June 2011

27th June 2011

Just finished my last exam. It wasn't one of the greatest I've ever sat, although it certainly wasn't one of the worst. I was really pushing for an A because last tuesday's was AWFUL... But I don't think I've done it. So... It's gonna be a bit hit and miss if I get the right grade for UCLan. If not, it looks like I'm gonna be at Sheffield Hallam! But if I did THAT badly... hellooooo clearing.

Currently sat in the new building of college a little bored while waiting for Luke but thankful that I'm not surrounded by people talking about the end of college. I don't want it to end!!! But I do want it to end!! aaahhhh!

Here's hoping to an amazing summer. I will be on the car insurance at some point, my parents have promised, so I will be driving myself about as much as I can.... So basically that's any time I'm not asleep and no one else is using the car. Sounds very good to me tbh!


Aha... a few hours later from that and I'm at home feeling a bit... well, miserable if I'm honest.

Luke couldn't come in, and then I got a text from my mum saying that my parents have had a huge argument and that my dad has told her to "get out and take the efffing kids with you" ... Don't appreciate being called a kid when I'm nearly 20 to be quite frank. But whatever. And also she reminded me that today is 4 years since my granddad died.

Also, regarding my previous post... A lot of people on youtube do this "secrets" or "facts" thing, and for many many maaaanny months I've thought about doing it too. So I decided to write a few things down. I'm still too chicken to do it in a video, so I typed it up and posted it here. I'll probably add more as I go along.

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