Monday 20 June 2011

20th June 2011

Well, this time next week I would have completely finished college and probably be nearly home to start my summer.

The exam today wasn't too bad. Wasn't amazing either but oh well. I only need to get about a mid C in all the maths exams I've taken this summer to get a B overall. I've now just got to focus on physics. As much as I would love to do really well in further maths, I'm not going to let it get in the way of physics as that is the one that counts towards my uni place!

Luke has read the blog posts he was mentioned in, and will no doubt end up reading this. So I'll start by saying "Hi Luke, you're a dick."

Kidding... I have another new fav song. Linkin Park - Blackout. Yeah, not an amazingly mind blowing thing for me to announce to some. But it's a huge thing to me! It's Linkin Park!

I won't go into detail but I used to be really badly affected by Linkin Park. When I heard anything by them I'd be emotionally distraught as well as actually feel physical pain and anxiety. I think they were mild panic attacks! And it's because I'd associate the band with a terribly rough time of my life which I'm still experiencing the consequences of. BUT linking back to the original point - I've slowly got a lot better and can actually enjoy their music again! And guess who that's thanks to? Yuuuuup! Lucas! I think it is because my subconscious doesn't associate it with the crap anymore. Well, it does, but before it even gets to that, it goes "ah! Luke! He's rather obsessed with that band!" and well yeah... Yay!

:') I'm pathetic. Sorry.


To save me writing another post, I'll just add this on. Also because it involved Luke AGAIN (jeez) and it'd look bad having so many separate ones haha.

As I said, C4 exam wasn't amazing this morning. After that there wasn't a physics lesson so I chilled in the library. Theeennn I spent the rest of the day with Luke :)

We spent about an hour with Jade because she is at college doing some stuff... Real specific yeah? And after that we walked to subway. He wouldn't take no for an answer so he bought me lunch. He jokingly said not to tell Marko coz he will call it a date :P so I went and texted Marko saying I went on a date hahaha! He is way too laid back about these things. Wait no, laid back isn't the right word when he's actively encouraging it!

I now need to get on with physics revision for tomorrow. Not looking forward to it at all. Although atleast half of it is multiple choice. It's next Monday's that I am going to hate. GAAAHH!

Kay. Peace. :)

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