Thursday 16 June 2011

16th June 2011

The rest of my mario figures arrived! If you wanna see all the photos I've taken then look on here :) I'll just post the photo of my shelf here:

Something HUGELY EXCITING has happened but I can't talk about it publicly yet! :/ I really hope I can soon.

And something very sad is also happening. I mean, it's exciting too, but still making me sad.

I finish college in a week and a half. And Luke reminded me that today I had my very last A2 Maths lesson. And yesterday was the last one with him.

It sounds really silly because most people would probably be ecstatic about that, but I'm really not. I've loved maths so much this year. I mean, Paul is an amazing teacher and of course I love the subject, but let's face it.. Luke has made it for me this year. He's been a god send (for lack of a better term). As well as giving me a lot of maths related help, he's also become an amazing friend.

I probably sound sooooo lame but I don't care. I like to express how much I appreciate what someone has done for me, and he's done a lot :) Genuinely gonna miss him to pieces! And I'm SOOOOOO not welling up (again)!

I am also sccaaarredd about the physics and further maths exams coming up. I feel okay about C4 on monday, but after that it's going to be hell! I was sort of pleased all my exams (except FP3) were in the morning, but now I really really really wish they were all in the afternoon because then I could have got last minute stuff crammed in so it was fresh in my mind. Now I'm going to have to cram the day/night before, and hope for the best during each exam!

Wish me luck!!

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