Tuesday 17 May 2011

17th May 2011

First exam tomorrow. It's the one I didn't pay for or know I was entered into until my timetable arrived! I am doing some revision for it now and I'm actually not too worried about it. If I don't do that great, then oh well, I haven't wasted any money and I still have a D from before. But if I do well, then yay!

I've had a rocky past few days. Had my first proper argument with Marko. That was horrible. And then another one the next day because in effect we aided a girl in dumping her boyfriend, which led to me losing a friend.

It was the right thing to do... I understand that now. But it really upset me at the time and a lot of crap has happened since which has left me a little emotionally drained...

But yeah, Marko and I have sorted ourselves out. We're awesome again now. And I'm starting to feel less guilty about what's happened.

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