Tuesday 10 May 2011

10th May 2010

I fail at the whole blogging thing don't I? :P

Right, this is gonna be a long one (that's what she said) so either brace yourself or just go look at something else now haha.

Okay so 10 mins have just passed and I haven't typed anything. This is going well.

I'll start with an update on my exam timetable. Paul was right with the dates. I have got 6 exams in a row. One every day for a week, then another one on the following monday. However, I've been entered into an extra exam! That actually blew my mind for days. Not necessarily the good kind of mind blowage though. (Another hour has just passed. Oops!) Anyway, I'm retaking C2 from AS Maths because at AS I got ADD, and I tried to retake both the D papers last year (one in Jan, the other June) and got E and U instead! So I figured I'd give C2 another chance because I got on really well with C3 this year (I got an A, 4 grades up from last June!). I paid for it, and also paid for the FP1 resit as I didn't do as well in that as I'd hoped. So yeah, they're both on my timetable, but random M1 has appeared! I asked Paul and he said he hadn't entered me in for it, and I definitely haven't paid for it. But he's told me to just give it a go anyway as I got a D in it, so if I don't do well then it's not he end of the world but if I do, then it's great news.

I have been having quite a few headaches recently though. Like, more so than usual. And I know it's because of the stress. I've also not been sleeping well and had quite a few arguments with my family because I'm on edge. But everyone is telling me to calm down and that I'll be fine and so on. I just hope I can muster as much faith in myself as everyone else seems to have in me.

I'm also getting extremely stressed about university. I was added into a UCLan 2011 group, and people have been putting what flat they'll be in, and through that I found one of my flatmates. She seems friendly, and I don't want to prejudge, but speaking to her and another girl who's in the same block as me and also seeing other peoples posts had made me realise what I'm going to be surrounded by...

I don't have anything personal against alcohol and partying and sex and whatnot. I just don't want to be around that sort of thing. But it's made me realise I can't really escape it. Chances are, even if it's not in my flat, it's going to be happening in my block. So... just urgh yeah. Cried to my mum and Marko about this a few times. My mum asked me if I have an alternative for accommodation, so I told her straight that Marko has offered to take me in, but oh the look I got for that....

I've also realised the problems I'm having with a certain friend doesn't matter. If we're going to drift apart, then so be it. We all change and we all meet new people (or re-meet old people) and adapt to our own environments and become more or less compatible with certain people. So, if I'm unhappy with how she is and she doesn't seem to realise it, it show we aren't compatible anymore and we're just naturally drifting. In a way I suppose I'd rather it went like that because then there's the chance to improve, and atleast we haven't had a big falling out.

I've mainly come to that conclusion though because I've made a couple of awesome friends lately.

Although I've known of Luke for 3 years, it's only been this academic year that we actually spoke and started hanging out. He's been amazing to me at college and over the last few months outside of college too. The last month or so it's really kicked off and he's become one of my best friends I think. I can be my silly-self around him, whereas before at college I was always on edge.

I've also become very good friends with Miki, a school friend of Marko's (I've literally just found out they've known eachother since Primary school - awwwww!) and over the last few days especially I've had some amazing conversations with him, and I think it's heading to the 'best friend' zone too!

I think, even with all the stress, things are looking up and I just can't wait to get college out of the way. Once my exams are done, I'm going to try forget about results day and such because it'll ruin my entire summer. I'm just going to have as much fun as I can (without spending any money coz I have to save every last penny for uni!) and prepare as much as I can for when I leave. If it turns out I haven't got the grades for uni then.. oh well. I'll try again or do something else.

Well....... that'll be my attitude in theory.

I was going to put more but I can't be bothered now :) I keep getting distracted so I'll cut this short and update more another time.


Marko made a video for my chess board in minecraft!

And now I'll end this post with the most amazing photo EVER.

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