Thursday 8 December 2011

8th December 2011

I am SO angry right now. Just SO SO SO angry.

It takes a lot to make me this angry. Beyond the point that I'd usually be in tears by now.

When I get pissed off, I cry. But I'm just SO FREAKING beyond that.

I know that I have very little right to be this angry, though. I can't help it. I'll be blunt, I'm on my period. I usually get tearful and sad, but this time I am just grumpy and that grumpiness has turned into pure anger.

It's not unprovoked, mind you. I made a request for a small private detail about me to be taken off of someone's blog, even though they didn't mention me by name, but no, that was just too much to ask.

Huge arguments later and I've just given up. I've upset them AGAIN and I'm angry with myself for that more than anything tbh!! I just give up. I'm not even going to try to reassure them because I'm so furious with myself and I'll just cock it up even more.


Anger = not healthy.

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