Tuesday 26 April 2011

27th April 2011

I'm in a much better mood tonight. Not because my problem has been fixed, but because I've had a really good evening with some friends. I'm also quite pleased I can call them my friends. They are friends of Marko's and of course he has introduced me to them and over the last few months I've slowly become a part of the group. Online, at least. I can't wait to meet them all when I move up there. They're honestly such lovely guys and they make me laugh so much. I also adore how I can be myself with them. I mean, not 100% myself yet because I'm still a little shy but that's slowly getting better. I really enjoy their company and without even realising, they cheer me up so much.

Marko is also amazing at cheering me up alone. He let's me rant, gives his opinion or advice, and even when I have a little hissy fit he just deals with it and sorts me out again. I'm grateful for his honesty, and not just telling me what he thinks I want to hear. But also I'm so grateful for how caring, loving and gentle he is with me.

I'm on a high right now. High with love and adoration and I don't want to come back down. Ever.

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