Tuesday 26 July 2011

26th July 2011

Yesterday was fun. It took over 2 hours to get to Stamford because we went to Spalding to pick Emma up, then Cottesmore to get Aileen. In total Jade did 4-5 hours driving! She did very very well for a new driver! But yeah, once we got to Stamford I fell out of the car which highly amused Emma. I ought to tell her I've now got two lovely bruised knees! Then we had a quick visit to New Look before heading to the meadows for our picnic. The picnic itself wasn't very successful because Emma managed to sit on some wet grass and Jade managed to sit under a load of flies. Although, it was interesting watching a youth group play some weird games, but not so interesting spotting two separate kids going for a piss. After getting sick of the flies we got up to find somewhere else to sit and ended up heading towards a free bench.... Which had no seats. So after getting rid of the rubbish we started walking through the adjoining field just chatting and wandering through... When we decided to turn back and head to town in the hunt for ukuleles. We had seen one of the youth group guys playing one while having our picnic and while walking we said how cool it'd be if we all got one as they were only around £20. So yeah, we walked to the nearest music shop..... But they were £30+! Aileen then suggested Argos so that was our next destination. Argos had one pink and one natural ukulele left, so Jade bought the pink and Emma bought the natural. I am quite jealous because they look so cute and fun, but thinking about it.. I don't I'd ever really play with it! After that we went to Aileen's house for a while and then dropped Emma home then back to Peterborough. I was very tired when I got back because I didn't get much sleep and later in the evening I started getting a migraine. It took 4 hours for me to get to sleep, though! Today I'm feeling a little sore. My shoes are broken at the bottom so with all the walking yesterday it's hurt the bottom of my feet. And my head hurts a bit from last night. I also feel a bit meh. My laptop has been dead for over a week now and I'm waiting for the charger to arrive. It said it'd be here last Friday/Saturday so I'm slightly annoyed at that, especially as the laptop my brother gave me to use in the meantime doesn't even work properly. I don't know what to do with myself. I should really tidy my room and start sorting out packing but I just can't be bothered today. Meerrhhhhh...

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