Saturday 23 July 2011

23rd July 2011

It's always nice to know how successful your ex's life has been since you left it.

Anyway.... Went to the cinema on Tuesday with Jade, James M and my brother. We watched the final Harry Potter movie. Second time I've cried in the cinema now! It was a really good movie. The only thing I wasn't too happy about was the dismissal of deaths. Well, for the Deathly Hallows in general, they didn't focus enough on those that had died. I know there's a huge limit on time and what they can realistically fit into the movie(s) but I really don't think they handled it well. I don't want to give any spoilers away (not that I have anyone reading this for me to spoil anything for them anyway =/) but I just felt like they either mentioned the deaths, did a sad face and then carried on with the film with very little thought or reference back to that person... or they showed a small sad scene with some 'noooooo's, crying and hugging... and again, that was that. Nothing more said or done about it. Whereas when a certain little elf died... Okay, how could anyone NOT know Dobby dies? Everyone's made a fuss about it. Even I had and I hadn't seen part 1 until Monday!!.. but yeah, look at what a huge fuss has been made over that? And why? Because it was a huge thing in the film. They even had a little ceremony for him! But we didn't see anything like that for anyone else. Or any*thing* else. There's a certain other animal that I wish they'd have given a proper send off to. Although at the time it was a bit too dangerous. But she was so beautiful and loyal and brave and I don't feel like they honoured her properly in the film!

Kay shutting up now.

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